Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Youtube announcement

Heyz! So we have alices weekly vlog coming out every monday on our youtube channel and we also have our first taco tuesday coming out tomorrow! Today's music video is 'Dead or Alive' by Bon Jovi, make sure to check it out. Also like our facebook page at Pros and Cons facebook and make sure to like, share and subscribe! Happy monday!


sorry! i am absolutly sure i posted yesterday it for some reason never appeared! anyways, today our 1st Taco tuesday cames out on our youtube, be sure to check it out!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Hey Zomz! have a very happy thanksgiving and be sure to check out our thanksgiving special video on youtube!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


We now have a facebook page! So like us! Also Alice will have a vlog every monday on our youtube channel and if you want to ask her questions go to her facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Alice-Wonderland/378386518911415?ref=hl